
Greta Adams
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Fax Number: 228-938-6201
School Hours
Take In Time: 7:00
Tardy Bell: 7:30
If your child arrives to school at 7:30 or later, a parent or guardian needs to come inside to sign the student in for the day.
If your child arrives to school at 7:30 or later, a parent or guardian needs to come inside to sign the student in for the day.
Dismissal Time:
2:45 PM-bus riders and walkers
2:50 PM-car riders and day cares
2:50 PM-car riders and day cares
Main Telephone Line:
Additional Note:
Breakfast: 7:00-7:25
All students receive a free breakfast and lunch.
If your child's transportation changes, you need to send a written note to the teacher or call the office. If we do not receive a written note or a phone call from a parent, student will go home as usual.